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NOVEMBER 24, 2018

Riders play Golden in Sparwood Saturday Nov 24

Riders play Golden in Sparwood Saturday Nov 24

Tonight’s Game

Tonight Nov 24 at 7:30 we have the Golden Rockets in SPARWOOD for the second time this season. The Rockets were here back on September 29th and the Ghostriders won 3-2.

Golden is one of the most improved teams this year and after 5-1 and 3-1 wins over Castlegar and Creston last weekend and a 2-0 win against Spokane Friday  the Rockets are in third place three points up on the Ghostriders. But the Riders have three games in hand.

Golden’s top scorer is Dominic Turner with 19 goals and 5 assists in 18 games. Bryce Trimmer is next with 21 points. Ryan Baker at 9-6-1 is their number 1 goalie.

The Ghostriders only played one game last weekend and that was in Nelson where they lost 3-1.  The game was tied 1-1 at the end to two but  Leafs scored a couple in the third period.

Brendan Nemes scored the lone Rider goal and Justin Faiella was in net. 

The Ghostriders lost 4-3 last night in Invermere when Kale Hawryluk scored in overtime. The Rider goal scorers were Niki Sombrowski, Jordan Kromm and David Lenzin. Riley Fonger was in net.



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