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A Mother Knows Best!
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Dear Readers,

This story is one that I will never forget because it puts everything in perspective when it comes to your child and how a mother knows best. Whatever sport that your child is involved in, the main reason why we as parents, children, coaches etc. should be a part of the game is to have fun and to never forget that.

When football registrations first came out, I contemplated whether or not I should sign my little one up. He was involved in other sports that he enjoyed but there was something about football that caught my eye. So I picked up a pen, filled out the paperwork, signed the cheque and sent it in to SMFA.

I broke the news to Anthony about a week later and told him about his new adventure, that would begin around the middle of May. He had this puzzled look on his face, as if to say, "you have to be kidding me, right?" I could tell by the expression on his face that he was not impressed by his mom's decision.

The first big day arrived, Anthony got his bag packed and filled up his water bottle. he unenthusiastically stepped in the truck and had such a sad look on his face. All the way there he kept telling me how nervous he was and he did not think that he would like football. He never knew a thing about the game and thought he would never be a good player. All that he kept telling me was how could I sign him up without his permission. What was I thinking? I reasurred him to trust me, that I was his mother, and we all know that mothers' know best. I just told him, "Anthony you are going to love it, this is so you, trust me."

I dropped him off at the field, it was a four hour skills and training day for all of the kids. The Sault Steelers were there to lend a helping hand and believe me what a motivational experience that was for the kids. I stuck around the field for a few hours and watched all the kids form teams and try different drills that were being shown to them. What a sight that was! They looked so eager to learn and everyone seemed to be having a blast including the coaches.

The four hours went by faster than a New York minute. I pulled the truck up to the fence and waited for my little one to come off the field. I have to admit, I was worried about what his reaction would be. Four hours is a long time to be out in a field running around like a chicken, tackling other kids to the ground and rolling around in mud like a dirty swine. Anthony got in the truck, he was covered in mud head to toe, sweat was beading off his forehead and he had a smile on his face from ear to ear, basically he was all teeth. I turned to him and said, "Well Anthony, what did you think?" He flung his head around with full excitement and said "Mom, that was the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE, THANK YOU!"

On that note, I would just like to thank SMFA, the coaches and kids for making it such a fun season this year for our family. We love the games, they are such a pleasure to watch, all of the kids are having a great time. Good luck in the playoffs!

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