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Scarborough City Slo Pitch
The Guys in Your League
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Through the years I have been a coach and an official in various sports, including basketball, football, soccer and baseball, as a way to stay connected with the sports that I have loved. Unfortunately, too often I have walked into venues as a coach or an official and felt a very unpleasant atmosphere, where as the visiting team we we were seen as the foe instead of the competition, and as an official I was viewed as the enemy. I am so happy to say that this was not the case in the the four nights that I have umpired in the Scarborough City Slo Pitch League. (P) What I witnessed, instead, was sport as it is meant to be. The players on all the teams showed great respect for the opposing teams and players, and me as an official, while competing very hard. When a player was injured there was great concern for him from team mates and opposing players. When a player disagreed with a call, they very respectfully voiced their view and let it go. And even when I did really blow a call, I heard about it but in a respectful manner. (And, believe me, I feel terrible when I think that I have made a poor call) (P) Your league really represents what sport should be. The competitive spirit and "win at all costs" attitude should not be the sole reason for playing the game, and in your league this does not appear to be the case. It was great to see how the team mates were really more than team mates, but really great friends. It was refreshing to see the respect and displays of sportsmanship displayed by members of opposing teams. In the end, it seems that the diamond is the place where friends meet and compete. Great to see!

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