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Here is this week's Odds and Ends column. If you have an item, event or other feature you think would be enhanced by some exposure to the thousands every month that read this timely tome - then submit it online here! http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dExMbk1CRzcxbDdpdDFOaXAzSHpJRkE6MA

Ottawa Irish - 22nd St. Patrick's Day Run
Jim Lohoar, our old friend at the Ottawa Irish - along with Al Charron - have both written this week looking to raise awareness for the 22nd Annual St. Patrick's Day Run - this Saturday March 13th (yes we know St. P's is on the 17th - but it is always the nearest Saturday before the actual day)

"As usual the race route will be Colonel By drive along the Rideau Canal," writes Lohoar. "The meeting location for the run is Immaculata High School at 140 Main St. This is the biggest and most important annual event for the Ottawa Irish and we need all of your support to make the 2010 race a big success."

This is a great event but needs heaps of folks to organize and run the event smoothly. While it is a major fundraiser for the Green and Gold, it is also a great community event.  You can still enter the race online --- http://www.events.runningroom.com/site/?raceId=4545   Contact Jim Lohoar if you want to volunteer  - the weather is going to be great - and they could use your help if you are in the Capital area. Contact Lohoar7075@rogers.com

Also - Jim notes in his email the contribution that was recognized in the Globe and Mail last week of deceased Ottawa Irish alum Mark Lowry for his early adoption and involvement of the Own the Podium movement in his role on the Canadian Olympic Committee. Mark was President of the Green and Gold in 1985/86.

Referees on the Move -
We noted some great news for national panel referees getting assignments around the world (some features on them coming up) - and forgot completely about a conversation we had had in our office with Toronto area referee JC Gilbert. The York Region Paramedic supervisor is on a ten day swing in Scotland as part of the Annual Ontario referee exchange. Gilbert was selected by the Ontario Panel to go to Scotland (the trip goes from March 1 -14)  where he refereed in Caledonia in the Kingdom of Fife. Then it is off to Glasgow and Edinburgh. The highlight of the tour is going to be his role in the England vs Scotland U20 Six Nations match at Firhill in Glasgow - where he will act as the sixth official.

"I am looking forward to the challenges of heading into such high calibre competitions, with the Scottish season winding down the games will be top quality," says Gilbert.  "I am looking forward to the upcoming Ontario season, and I see this trip as an opportunity to get a jump start on our domestic competition. I want to head into this season firing on all cylinders."

More Ref Talk
This column is in danger of becoming whistle blower central. We get a note from Belleville's Scott TerHaar who tells us about Jason Lees, brother of co-worker Bill Lees. Why is this significant? Jason is an IRB referee in Australia who learned his trade on the rugby pitches of Ottawa and will be visting his old stomping grounds this summer. Word is he is interested in getting into the middle of a a game or two during his visit.


Calling former players, Coaches, Club Administrators
We want to reach out to as many people as possible this year. One of the things we have discovered is that despite all the news we put on the website - there is a large part of our rugby population that does not receive the same information as our registered members of Rugby Canada, because they no longer play, coach or referee.  We know there are tons of folks out there that fall into this category - and we want to pass on all the important event info, specials at our online store, and other benefits that we provide to our regular users.

Go to the online form and give us your email address and we will start sending you all the latest in the world of Canadian rugby news.


Nomads News
Was looking on the Toronto Nomads site the other day looking for some info - and discovered 2010 is the 60th anniversary year. I dutifully filled out the online form to get more info on the Diamond celebrations. If you are a former Nomad - click on the link so you can be included in the festivities -  http://www.torontonomads.com/60th_Anniversary.html#rego

Also - take a moment to follow this link to the Sports Illustrated archives - where a story about the Toronto Nomads - circa 1965, are mentioned prominently in a column about rugby and a tournament at Notre Dame University. It is a good read - especially considering the context of the game 45 years ago in the USA.


Scrum TV

The final touches are being put on to the first episode of Scrum TV - Las Vegas. See the website and shots of host Lallie Chapman - and a quick video promoting the show -

Go to www.scrumtv.ca

More Cuban Perspective -
Dick Cornish writes about his involvement in the recent Habana 7s (We say Havana - they add a B- take it up with Cuba) . Dick's blog can now be seen at www.dogriverhowlers.weebly.com

Sounds like it was a great event - and while we are always looking to grow the sport in Canada - we still have the responsibility to hold out our hand and help nations below us in the development for their game.

Player in Need
Rugby knows no boundaries. A player in the USA, Michael Jones of the Albany Knickerbockers was recently injured at the Ruggerfest tournament in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He remains in intensive care with what is described as a significant 'spinal injury'.  A former member of Life University rugby club, that group is spearheading the fund raising efforts. You can donate online at their site http://www.liferugbyalumni.com/.  I just did it through Paypal - dead easy - only takes a moment - and it will make a big difference for Mike and his family as he faces a number of challenges once he heads home again.

If you want to send your best wishes - Dan Santoro provided Michael's hospital address in Florida -

Michael "Jonesy" Jones
c/o North Broward Medical Center
201 East Sample Road
ICU Unit Bed #9
Deerfield Beach, FL 33064

PLEASE NO FLOWERS OR FRUIT....they are not allowed in ICUs


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