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Merritt Centennials: Leadership & Ability Award

Rowe Trophy for Leadership & Ability

2013-14: Diego Cuglietta
2012-13: Derek Huisman
2011-12: Brent Fletcher
2010-11: Lino Chimienti
2009-10: Jordan Soquila
2008-09: Paul Forster
2007-08: Codie Kightley
2006-07: Nicholas Sciangula
2005-06: Brody Mott
2004-05: Rylan Burns
2003-04: Kelly Barnes
2002-03: Aaron Winterholt
2001-02: Aaron Winterholt
2000-01: Ryan Minnabarriet
1999-00: Jamie McCaig
1998-99: Scott Ford
1997-98: Shane Glover
1996-97: Adam Sedgwick
1995-96: Brian Phillips
1994-95: Brian Phillips
1993-94: Rob Pennoyer
1992-93: David Green
1991-92: Jason Timewell
1990-91: Warren Carter
1989-90: Gary Taylor
1988-89: Doneau Menard
1987-88: Doneau Menard
1986-87: Randy Beekhuizen
1985-86: Allan Wall
1984-85: Kevin Cheveldave
1983-84: John "Butch" Tent
1982-83: Jeff Reitsma
1981-82: John Maskiewich
1980-81: John Maskiewich
1978-79: Laurie Nordstrom
1977-78: Kelly Ferner