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York Diamonds
Crime Drama Haunts Diamonds
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The York Diamonds are trying to piece together exactly what caused the team's most recent off-field incident that could have repercussions on their playoff chances. Over the long weekend it appears that Brent Sterling may have accidentally shot Steve Foley in a bitter dispute over blue socks.

Details are still sketchy, but it seems that Sterling may have loaned socks to one of the Foleys a couple of weeks ago. Unconfirmed reports say that it was Eric Foley who borrowed the socks after forgetting his own at home. Apparently Eric Foley then tried to make Sterling pay a hefty ransom to get them back.

"Look, I loaned the guy some socks because he forgot his, and I'm a hell of a nice guy I might add.... and he tried to make me pay to get them back. The sicko even started sending blue threads in his ransom letters to me. What kind of a lunatic does that? I felt that I had no choice but to take the law into my own hands and shoot the bastard. I feel bad that I got the wrong Foley though. It was dark and I was tired and upset about the situation. It really was an honest mistake", said Sterling from his jail cell, "Hopefully Steve recovers and I can get him a beer sometime... and then I can shoot Eric whiles I'm out on bail. Hey, on the bright side, I did get my socks back though. Don't I look pretty in them? All the guys in here seem to think so".

We'll have more details about this situation when they become available.

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