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Geneva Softball League: Board of Directors
President Charissa Rajnoch +41.78.655.78.36 -  - SEND
Vice President Brenda Hagen +41.76.594.62.02 -  - SEND
Treasurer Ken Riplinger +41.76.320.23.03 -  - SEND
Secretary Jamie Buckerfield +41.22.758.1673 -  - SEND
Mission coach Chris Siegfried - -  - SEND
Mission captain Sean Whalen - -  - SEND
Bulls Captain Dave Buchanan - -  - SEND
Leptons Captain Jason Schachter - -  - SEND
Quarks Coach Brian Haugen - -  - SEND
Smoking Dozers Captain Dave McDonald - -  - SEND

Notes and Minutes:
(added April 27, 2007)

GSL Team Captains Meetingb>u>font>font> p>



pan lang="en-US"font size="2" style="FONT-SIZE:11pt"font face="Verdana, sans-serif">Date: 02.04.2007font>font>span> p>

Place: Best Western Hotel, Chavannes-de-Bogisfont>font> p>


Present: Charlie Rajnoch (President; Smoking Dozers), Brenda Hagen (Vice-President; Quarks), Ken Riplinger (Treasurer; Rowdies), Sean Whalen (Marines), Ben LeGeyt (Leptons), Reg Martin (ex-President), Jamie Buckerfield (ex-Secretary and Grounds Man).font>font> p>


pan lang="en-US"font size="2" style="FONT-SIZE:11pt"font face="Verdana, sans-serif"br/> Agenda
ubr/> 1) Recapitulation of GSL 2006
A word from the President, Vice-president and Treasurer.

2) Date to start GSL 2007, game schedule

3) Field work

4) GSL financial status
Budget 2007, team fees, purchases

5) GSL teams
A word from each team captain on the way forward in the GSL

6) Tournaments and other/new events

7) GSL Website

8) Additional topics brought forwardfont>font>span> p>



Minutes of the Meetingu>font>font> p>


1) Recapitulation of GSL 2006
font>fontbr/> p>

  • In 2006, games were played every Sunday in May, June and July. For August, the team captains had agreed upon a summer break with a pick-up game at noon every Sunday. Finally in September 2 Sundays of play-offs were scheduled. In the end, the play-offs were not played because some teams forgot about the play-offs, thought the season was finished and, therefore, could not field a team in September. Such a mistake should be avoided in September. font>font> p>

  • In 2007, the same schedule will be followed as in 2006. However, we will announce the play-offs as early as possible.font>font> p> ul>

    2) Date to start GSL 2007, game schedule
    font>fontbr/> p>

    • pan style="BACKGROUND:#ffff00">pan lang="en-US"font size="2" style="FONT-SIZE:11pt"font face="Verdana, sans-serif">The GSL games will start on Sunday 6 May 2007.font>font>span>span> p>